Initial Teacher Training

Fusion SEND Hub’s vision for SEND ITT is to ensure each new recruit is equipped with the knowledge and understanding of SEND through leadership and collaborative practice. Our drive, is to promote Outstanding SEND practice in all phases and school settings across the region.

By working in partnership with South Yorkshire Teaching School Hub and Sheffield Hallam University, we enhance, identify and break down the various barriers to learning that some young people may have. Our experiences demonstrate how effectively trainees can be introduced to diverse and personalised classroom practice, so that we build at the beginning of their careers, the desire and ability to carefully differentiate delivery, and embrace individuality.

By blending professional learning between specialists and mainstream providers, we believe that everyone will benefit from well prepared and well trained teachers of the future, who will hopefully become effective and collaborative teachers of children with SEND.

Fusion SEND Hub has a well-established role in supporting the recruitment and training of ITT students in collaboration with South Yorkshire Teaching School Hub and Sheffield Hallam University

Key features are :

  • Well-developed personalised routes as advertised on UCAS and respective websites
  • An ITT school based training program which includes a larger number of sessions delivered by Fusion SEND Hub.
  • Support from an experienced and accredited specialist Mentor for ITT.
  • Embellished and enriched ITT programme which prepares young teachers, for the challenges and demands of delivering high quality teaching and learning whilst also addressing personalisation.
  • Opportunities to network with Special School colleagues, visit Special School settings, including participation in SEND training which has a clear impact on professional practice.